Thursday, May 15, 2014

Nailed It!

Do you know what I love best about House No. 3? 


Yep. It's all mine, and I can pound nails into the walls without thinking twice about it. See, we were renters for five years, and even though some of my things hung on the walls, the walls were not my own. 

I'll admit that after all the hard work of painting the walls of House No. 3, it took me a while to work up the guts to stick a nail in the sheet rock. But I am long over it, which brings me to today's project.

We've been working on the basement, and in the middle of it, the bathroom got flooded by the washing machine up above. I know, right? Distractions, distractions. HOWEVER, today I decided not to let a silly little thing like a flooded bathroom get to me, and I refocused on one little corner of the basement, which I like to refer to as Down Under. I've mentioned before that it's being decorated in a travel theme, so Down Under seems a fitting name.

My mother-in-law gave me a big, round basket for Christmas. At first I thought it might look good on an ottoman or tabletop where it could catch stuff. But we don't have either of those things Down Under, so then I decided it would look great hanging on a wall! It seemed kind of lonely up there, so yesterday, I took a trip to our local thrift store to find it some friends to hang out with. And wouldn't you know, I found THREE baskets for 50 cents each! FIFTY CENTS!

Here's what I ended up with:
They were easy to hang, too. I just pounded those babies to the wall, using nothing but small wire nails.
The big basket took two nails, while the smaller baskets each took one nail.
Don't you love how they fit right in to a world traveling theme? The globes and the clock add to it, as well. I like the miniature spotlight, too. I found that at Lowes. When my kids have friends over for movie night, the rule is that one light must be on at all times. This was a good solution.
The best part is, this little project was SUPER cheap and I didn't have to go through TSA to complete it!

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