Monday, April 28, 2014

A New and Improved Way to Hang Things

We had a cold, rainy weekend here in the mountaintops, so the hubby and I decided to finish painting the basement. I'm not ready to reveal the full project yet, but it's coming along! The day included painting the stairwell leading down to the basement, and so today I decided to hang a few things up.

I came up with a way to hang things -- and it's even better than the wax paper trick! I mean, the wax paper is great and all, but you have to fight it. The wax paper and the tape don't get along. It can get too heavy to tape to the wall. You see? Problems. I don't have time for that kind of drama.

The solution? Drum roll, please... Glad Press 'n Seal!
This stuff sticks to everything - and not in a so-messy-you-have-to-know-yoga-to-make-it-work kind of way, either! It is, however, difficult to get your camera to focus just right on the crinkly stuff. All you have to do is line up the straight edge of the press 'n seal with the edge of the backside of the frame or whatever you're hanging, and cover the nail holes. Use a Sharpie to mark the nail holes.
 Next, stick the Press 'n Seal to the wall where you want to hang your item. You can use a level to make sure it's nice and straight.
 Pound those nails into the marks you made, then remove the Press 'n Seal.
 Hang up your frame, or in my case, your magnet board, and voila! Easy Peasy. The stair railings, by the way, are in the garage because the husband decided he wanted to strip the paint and stain them. I wished him well in his endeavors.
 And now you've had a sneak peak of what's happening, er, down under! The green paint is really cheerful and brightens things up. It's called Celery by Sherwin Williams. Only, when they mixed it up for me, I thought it was a little too... celery-ish. So we played with it until it was toned down a bit.
Yeah, this stuff is pretty much the bomb-diggity.

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