Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School

If you're like me, you're probably asking me yourself, "Where did the summer go?" I took a little time off from house projects and blogging to do some other things. Like turning 40. And going to the movies. And submitting my novel to literary agents. And going on T.V. And going in search of the best shaved ice in Utah!

My kids went back to school yesterday, so I thought I'd share a little post on how we do lunch. My kids don't especially care for school lunch, and I would much rather send them off with something healthier (and cheaper) besides.

Have you noticed all the Bento-style lunches on Pinterest? I like them for two reasons:
1. They save us on all those plastic baggies!
2. Bento boxes allow us to get creative with what to eat for lunch - beyond a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I found a couple of divided-compartment containers at Walmart last year, and while it has taken some time, my kids have gotten used to using them and are even having some fun coming up with things to eat for lunch.

Here's what my 9th grader took today:
She took some diced mango, pretzel sticks, and a chicken-bacon salad with grape tomatoes. When I was cooking dinner the other night, I grilled some extra chicken on my trusty little George Foreman grill, chopped it up, and stashed it in the fridge for lunch. This is actually the second day in a row she's asked for that salad!

And here's what my 5th grader took to school:

He took some diced mango, a mini multi-grain bagel with strawberry cream cheese spread, and hummus with baked pita chips. I've never seen a kid who loves hummus more than he does! Just FYI, Costco sells a box of 16 2-oz single serve packs for the same price as the 32-oz tub that never gets finished before getting all icky. Score!

I think the possibilities for bento-style lunches are pretty much unlimited. If you've got bento lunch ideas of your own, I'd love to hear them!

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